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The Works

The Works has a great range of fiction, travel guides, bargain biographies and bestsellers and kids storybooks, puzzles and colouring books. For the Crafty, they have a fantastic range of arts and craft products; canvasses, paints, card making packs, portfolios, brushes and much much more! Discounting is The Works speciality; a fun and bright place to shop where you always get value for money and service with a smile.

Great news, The Works now offers a Click and Collect service in almost every store.


Hotel Chocolat

Luxury British chocolatier and cacao grower Hotel Chocolat is on a mission to make you happy, bringing you chocolate that is more exciting, more witty, more beautiful and – more importantly – made according to their mantra: ‘More Cacao, Less Sugar’.

Showcase Cinema De Lux

Showcase Cinema is committed to providing you with the ultimate film-going experience, and is...


Discover a great deal of quality home and garden products

Card Factory

Whatever the occasion, you’ll find everything you need to celebrate all life’s moments at Card...